Monday, June 25, 2012

Journal Entry 7:
I feel like this class has helped a lot.I liked the fact that it helped with our future from here on out. It taught me very good tips on basic college life. What I would have done differently is maybe I would have read more into the chapters in depth, I would have learned way more.
Journal Entry 6:
I feel pretty healthy in general. IAlthough I do feel that college has made me "unhealthy". I dont have time to eat, it seems as if the vending machines feed me. Even then I feel healthy. I try not to eat much fast food or drink soda. I also have soccer practice two days a week and usaully one game on the weekends so that keeps me fit.
Journal Entry 5:
I have not though about studying abroad. My main focus right now is to graduate and make it into the field of radiology. I would like the experience but Im afraid of leaving my home. This is where I belong. Though I would like to have the experience of traveling around Europe.
Journal Entry 4:
During the fall I have enrolled for English 101 and English 102. I have also signed up for Math 91. Currently I am still in high school and I will be taking dual enrollment. I know I have a long year ahead of me but I believe I can do it. I play soccer and currenly am playing in a summer league. I am patiently waiting for school season to start.
Jouranl Entry 2:
Introverted(22), Sensing(100), Thinking(12), Judging(22).
Based on my results it said I would best fit in careers such as: Administrative Management, Management in Business, Emergency Medical Services, and Construcion Specialist. Im pretty much set on becoming a radiology technician, but at a certain point I was interested in business management. The rest of the careers listed are a surprise to me.